6 months

Half a year. I cannot believe our little princess is 6 months old today! She loves to smile, be held, grab your necklace or hat or glasses, play with her big sisters, sleep on her side, take showers, talk, jump, and dance. She has a little tooth making its way on the bottom, and is getting the hang of eating baby food. 

Since my last post we have seen a few more specialists here in Charleston. We met the dermatologist that came so highly recommended, and we love her. We also saw the local ENT doctor, and ophthalmologist. So far Julia is doing great. 

Later this month we will be heading back to Boston. It’s going to be a busy couple of days for Julia. We’ll start our trip off with a visit to three different plastic surgeons, a maxillofacial doctor, have some imaging done, meet with the orthopedic doctor, and finally wrap up our visit with our favorite urologist. We will update you all on how everything goes. 

Thank you for following along with Julia’s story, and of course for keeping her in your thoughts and prayers. 

If you have Instagram, feel free to follow me for pictures of my little family (torisc).