Together at last

We are HOME! I have had that song from Annie stuck in my head. You know, the one Daddy Warbucks and Annie sing at the end.

Together at last! Together for ever.
We’re tying a knot, They never can sever!
I don’t need sunshine now, To turn my skies to blue —
I don’t need anything but you!

How many of you sung that while reading? 😊

Our family is back together and we can’t stop smiling. Lots of happy hugs and tears have been shared this weekend, and I’m sure there’s more to come. Julia is looking forward to meeting her South Carolina family!

4 Replies to “Together at last”

  1. What great news!! Welcome home Julia!! I’m so happy that your family is together & home!

  2. Beautiful family Tori…baby Julia home in time to celebrate Mother’s Day all together is a reminder of how great God is and how He has richly blessed you. Cherish every moment with love

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